Hurray!! Downton abbey’s back on. I’m sooo excited.
After everything that’s happened, I’m too afraid to keep watching. I wonder who’s going to get killed off next. I can’t believe Matthew died. And it has really taken its toll on Mary. I mean death will do that to anyone whose spouse is taken away. Mary seems to have no more sunshine in her life. 😦 But she needs to dust herself up and take care of her son. She needs to (in my Nigerian accent) shine her eye because the last thing she needs now is for Lord Grantham to take Downton back to the state it was in before Matthew stepped in.
Meanwhile I don’t know why Edith is carrying on with Mr Gregson. I think homeboy needs to handle his business and get divorced before they start carrying on any relationship of any kind. Edith wouldn’t want to get left at the alter a second time…
Oh yeah, Thomas is a liar. He’s still a conniving snake. He needs to remember how he felt when he thought he was getting kicked out of Downton. Oh, and O’brien just up and left? Really?? after all she has done? SMH
Aww, poor Mr Molesley. LOL Sabotage
Now let’s see how this all plays out. ooooo so exciting 😀