If you go down scientist street and make a left on optimist road. The very first turn on the left is ‘frustration alley’ you don’t want to go there. It’s dark and dingy and you may get robbed of your confidence, cheer and positive attitude. Sadly, scientists very often find themselves in this alley and the only way to get out is….. (yeah, I don’t know YET. I’m stuck in this alley as I write this.)
Ok so, I decided to start this blog because of how much frustration I’m feeling at this point.
Western blot is the most frustrating laboratory technique I have EVER come across. I have worked diligently on my thesis research for weeks and keep coming up empty blank – with literally blank blots. To say I’m frustrated is putting it mildly. I’m LIVID. I’ve gone over every single step and still nothing…. same result.
I know it’s not the transfer step because I see my bands after staining with Ponceau S. At this point all I want to do is SCREAMMMM!
As the end of the semester rapidly approaches as well as deadlines to meet, it’s amazing that I’m still able to carry out conversations about anything not laboratory related.
I found out on Friday that I’ll be writing a review article. It’ll be a lot of work this summer and I have only a tiny idea of how to go about with the research and writing but still I’m so wonderfully excited.