Waiting, waiting and still waiting. My year has begun and not with a BANG.
As I previously mentioned, I am in the process of applying to PhD programs. All applications are in and I’m sitting and staring at my computer waiting. I seem to have fallen into the mindless task of checking and rechecking my email and refreshing the page that is The Grad Cafe.
With each day that passes by, I die a thousand deaths from wondering if I’m going to get in or if I’m even good enough to be admitted in these programs. Yes my friends, self doubt often comes into play during the application process.
I have been told that ‘no news is good news’ but I’m really freaking out! Why have some applicants gotten interview invites and I haven’t? And if I’m not what these schools want, why don’t they let me know now so I can strategize my next plan? What will I do when/if I get that infamous rejection letter?
The constant yo-yoing of my psyche during this process is exhausting. I wish I could turn into sleeping beauty and wake up after I get an acceptance (a kiss from my dream school = a kiss from prince charming).
Columbia University, accept me already. I’m the girl you need. I know it and you’ll know it soon enough 😀