Article originally posted on LinkedIn August 27, 2018.
Commitment is simply defined as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. Staying committed is one of the most difficult challenges we all encounter at some point in our lives as we seek to attain success in one area or the other. These areas may vary but it is that unrelenting pursuit of our individual goals that makes us show up. Commitment is expressed through action. Listening to Les Brown this morning, I have come to realize that I haven’t been committed to some of my goals lately.
Sometimes we think of the various reasons why we can’t have the results we want and why we aren’t living our dream. The truth is we are always committed. However we spend our time and whatever we do, we are committed to something regardless of whether or not it leads to the result we want. You are either committed to succeeding or you are committed to excuses (my current status).
Results don’t lie people. Being committed doesn’t mean that there won’t be disappointments in life or that there won’t be challenges. Instead it means that no excuse is acceptable. Things get difficult. We hit snags in life but that is no real reason to give up on your dreams and your commitment.
A lack of follow-through makes it difficult for others to have faith in us and worse for us to have faith in our capabilities. It takes away that sense of empowerment important for our physical, mental and emotional growth.
When we spend time worrying about those things that infringe on our promise to ourselves and others, we lose focus on the goal. These distractions direct our attention to thoughts and fears that don’t particularly matter.
I know and believe that we are not always going to be on our game 100%of the time, so it is important to prioritize and develop the habit of honoring our word. Find something that you want or need to do, challenge yourself in manageable segments and build from there.
Success takes discipline, so:
Take responsibility
Be willing to be held accountable - Find people who will hold you accountable and call you out if need be
Have a contingency plan - Some things will happen that will throw you off track. So be prepared and get creative.
Challenge yourself and be ready to struggle - Focus less on the journey of others. Don’t be concerned about what people think. Your life has so much meaning to the planet
Be willing to start again - Keep pressing on. We fall down and we get up
Most of all, LIVE IN THE MOMENT - Enjoy where you are. All we have is right now so let nothing disturb your peace. Its all part of the journey.